名稱 Caltech Library System(加州理工大學圖書館系統)
類型 電子期刊、資料庫
全文/摘要 摘要/全文
適合學群 工程 資訊
語言 外文
使用方式 Open Access
來源 null
代理廠商 null
收錄清單 收錄清單
操作手冊 操作手冊檔案下載 
使用期限 null
簡介 We provide scholarly library resources and advanced information services with peerless style and uncompromising quality in a timely, cost-effective manner to facilitate and enhance the research and educational programs of the Institute. The libraries' staff, budget, and use of space are deployed to deliver information resources, tools, and services to the faculty and students so that despite Caltech's small size its research and education program can be of the highest quality.